The only thing I notice is the cost of electricity increased. Is that due to inflation or the gas prices? Tesla superchargers increased here in CA, used to be about 24 cents off peak, now its 29 cents off peak. Will the cost of gasoline affect the price of electricity? And if gas continues to increase, have engineers found a way to make electricity more plentiful than gas in the future? Because I heard the resources for gas will eventually be depleted in the next 100 years.
And I know people say its not that easy to switch to electric vehicles because of the higher up front cost to purchase. But what if one day one gas fill up becomes $1000 for 15 gallons and the starting price of EV stay the same around $30k. What about all the people at Costco driving new BMW or Mercedes yet still go to Costco to save only 5%-10%. I said as a joke to my Tesla sales person what if I stood in front of Costco gas station with my referral code and got all those people to buy a Tesla. He said I’d probably be offered more than just those rewards you get for referrals.
And how do Tesla compute their cost? It’s 33 cent kwh off peak right now for SCE and I think the Tesla model 3 long range battery is 80 kwh. So is the math 0.33 * 80 = $26.4 correct. And most gas cars with 15 gallon tanks probably pay $100 for a full tank now with the math of $7 * 15 = $105. So does that conclude Tesla pay 1/4 the cost to have a full charge (or tank for gas). Or that Tesla can cover 4x the range for the same money? I don’t know if my math works but maybe someone can put their take on it.