I’ve heard from other National Grid Connected Solutions customers and some of them have had a few more events so there is some regionality to the VPP. They are closer to metro areas and we are more rural so that along with the part of the grid we are on may play a roll.
National Grid and Tesla have told us that we could expect during the hottest parts of the summer events almost every day. But we have not seen that or anything near the max of 60 events per summer in the program with National Grid. Does Eversource have a max number of event days?
July was tough because of all the rain here in the northeast really suppressed solar generation. A couple times we had three event days in a row also during non-sunny weather and used grid while the batteries held onto solar for an event scheduled that day. That kind of bummed me out but I did the financial math a few times and we do still come out ahead on those days running on grid and holding back the solar as it tops off the batteries for the event.