With currently a MYLR+FSD, the only option to change the order I see is to remove FSD. Going down the menu path, the page reads “you will no longer able to make any other changes”.
1) What if I wanted to change the wheels to Induction? If it’s a matter of a call to Tesla, how might that affect delivery date?
2) What if I wanted to change to MYP? Again, if it’s a matter of a call to Tesla, how might this affect the delivery date? (I read is it like placing a new order. True?)
2) At what point can I [potentially] delay the delivery? At point of VIN assignment or when a delivery date is given?
3) How much time before the assigned delivery date can I delay the delivery?
4) How many days can I ask for a delay before the assigned vehicle is disassociated and given to someone else? (i read a few days at the most. True?)
5) How many days can I ask for a delay, accepting that the vehicle is reassigned to someone else? (I read 30 days. True?)
6) With #5, what happens when I am ready to accept delivery? How long is the way before Tesla assigns me the vehicle?
6a) The MYLR was ordered in 3/2022, if I delay the delivery, will it affect the inclusion of the Mobile Connector?
I’m mulling the decision to remove FSD and buying it OTA after delivery so that I can save on registration, earn points with a credit card, have the 48-hour return and subscription flexibility. If, however, FSD price goes up, I will likely just keep it as part of the order. It just comes down to math and how long I think I will keep this car.
7) How late before delivery can I remove FSD from my order? (I read any time before delivery, is that true? Is it a matter of calling/telling a rep?)
8) Will removing FSD before delivery affect my delivery date? In other words, can/will Tesla pull the vehicle because I removed FSD? (I read no, want to confirm.)
9) I presume, if I remove FSD prior to delivery, I can buy FSD using the app immediately after delivery? (I read yes, want to confirm.)
10) Does delaying delivery (as above) affect my ability to remove FSD before delivery?
11) What does everyone’s tea leaf read on FSD price increase? What might be the timing? I presume this will also increase the monthly subscription cost? I know it’s all speculation, but I’m curious on your thoughts.
12) Is there sales tax on the post delivery or subscription on the purchase of FSD?
13) I want FSD, even with the issues. From what I can tell, the breakeven is 5 years between $12K up front and subscription. If selling the car in 5 years, a FSD-included car may garner some additional value. But if selling the car in 3 years, what addition to the sale price might a FSD-included car get? Again, it’s math and probably related to how capable FSD is in 3 years. Your thoughts?
Performance Boost:
14) I know Performance Boost can be added post delivery. Is there sales tax?
15) What is the general market experience for added resale value for Ys with Performance Boost?
16) With PB, I read that the acceleration curve can only be detuned by using Chill, but standard acceleration is no longer available. Will this affect range, if driving habits remain the same? I have read it both ways.
Afterthought: I was clear about MYLR because I wanted the range, reduced unsprung weight, reduced maintenance cost (e.g., tires), and most importantly ride quality. The performance of MYP is nice, but I didn’t care for 21″ wheels. I recently learned that MYP also has Matrix headlights, which was not on the Tesla list during ordering. I would pay a premium for Matrix lights and performance, but not at the cost of worse ride. Coming from highline cars, even the MYLR ride is not ideal, but it’s the tech that drew me to Tesla (which is why I’m interested in the headlights). Aside from Matrix, what else is different between MYLR and MYP that is not listed on the Tesla site?
With a long post like this, it’s possible that there are those who will nitpick. I’m just looking for information and maybe this will help others in the future. Many thanks for any input.