Home Elon Musk Graduates of Refreshed 2021+ Mannequin X and Mannequin X Plaid ready room

Graduates of Refreshed 2021+ Mannequin X and Mannequin X Plaid ready room

Graduates of Refreshed 2021+ Mannequin X and Mannequin X Plaid ready room


So, are we going to talk about significant problems with the new X here? Like that it seems they may have redefined “tight” parameters in (dumb) summon. Summon allowed me to park and unpark my 2016 X in my garage. It would sometimes take a little coxing to do it but it ALWAYS entered and exited the garage. Sometimes it would stop in front of the garage, turn the wheels back and forth and stop but then hitting summon caused it to move into the garage.
My Plaid cones to the garage doorframe and then stops. It will not go further in. When parked inside the garage and summon is activated it stalls at the back wheels. It then will not go further out or further in. Climbing through the trunk to manualy drive it is getting old. This has happened each time except once when it actually exited fully from the garage, wish I could repeat it and get it on video!
Is mine a Unicorn or is there anyone else who is having this same problem?
SC said sensors are all good. They asked me to take videos of the stalling. I did the videos last Monday and am hearing nothing but crickets so far.



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