Home Elon Musk Center of the Lane and Brake Lights Points

Center of the Lane and Brake Lights Points

Center of the Lane and Brake Lights Points


Just wondering if others are having Middle of the Lane and Brake Light issues with FSD and FSD Beta. I have a 2018 AWD Dual Motor Model 3 and have had FSD from the start and have been in the FSD Beta program since 10.2 last September, now of course on 10.12.2. My issue is that the car drifts too much in the lane on Interstate driving normal turns between 70 and 80mph. Not a serious issue when there are no cars to the left or right, but more concerning when a truck is in the other lane. It seems like the drifting issue – sometimes almost to the left and right lane lines — has gotten much worse once Radar was deactivated when I switched to TeslaVision last year. I have given Tesla some clips of the issue when I was on FSD Beta 10.11. In short, why doesn’t the car stay in the middle of the lane on normal or even slight sharp turns on Interstate Driving? Also, have recently noticed the issue on two lane roads going 40-50mpth. Could it be a camera calibration issue? Overall FSD Beta 10.12 is getting better and better so it seems like it should be able to solve the Middle of the Lane issue.

Also, it is great that the new software tells me on the screen when other cars have their brake lights on, but why doesn’t the screen tell me when my brake lights are on using FSD Beta. Many times I wonder if the fast car closing behind me notices my brake lights when my Model 3 automatically slows for traffic ahead or a stop sign/traffic light. With normal brakes, one is pretty confident that the brake lights are on when one pushes on the brake pedal but of course with regenerative braking we are missing that feedback. Seems like the screen should show something for my own brake lights. Seems like a safety issue. Is there something I am missing?





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