Home Elon Musk Tesla eye monitoring: Additive or supplementary?

Tesla eye monitoring: Additive or supplementary?

Tesla eye monitoring: Additive or supplementary?


I may be getting the terms incorrect, so bear with me. My question: Is the eye tracking…

A) Additive to the timed wheel twisting, so now how you have to torque the wheel for time AND for lack of eye visual? Or…

B) Supplementary to the timed wheel torquing, so when the eye tracking sees you watching the road, it will forego the timed wheel torqueing?

Just curious.

Also, I noticed that sometimes, randomly, my M3 will RED ALERT: Suddenly as if I ignored an AP warning to the last minute when in fact there was no warning except for the red alert. Once I clear the warning, it’ll kick me out of AP for the drive. It happens about once every other month usually on a road trip. So annoying. Does this happen to anyone else?




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